Java com.orcmid
Projects Diary & Job Jar


0.00 2022-05-06 -12:10 -0700

A running diary and job jar for com.orcmid package-name Java projects on  Orcmid's Lair




done 2004-12-02 Walk through the project items and make sure that the catalog has the correct versions at this point.
  2004-12-02 I have been a way from this for too long and now I am not sure what I mean by some of these.  It will come back to me.
  2004-09-15 Ensure that the target of the URL I will add to Num-0.11 will lead to something that is a not a Dead End and that also has an up-path that remains moderately meaningful.
  2004-09-15 Add a project that is about the progression of ALPHAs since we will go there soon.
2004-06-28 Use a consistent style on the uplinks from project pages all the way to the catalog, here.  This is not necessarily the same as the grounding path, and people need to be able to navigate up both of them.  Done at ALPHA, 
2004-06-28 Review all of the Jyymmnnx projects and the com.orcmid tree to allow for all Java projects being done under this project structure, including the /SoftDev/Java2 structure. [dh:2004-09-25: ?]
  2004-06-15 The SoftDev/Java2 structure has a Project structure.  Project structures and Java structures need to be reconciled.  Convert the P-structures over there to J structures and merge them onto this Projects Diary.  It looks like developed code will be here and SoftDev/Java2 will have guide-style information, maybe a goodly chunk of Situating Java.  Remember to tombstone appropriately.  dh:2004-06-28 Any other kinds of projects go with a Pyymmnnx structure underneath /imprese
2004-05-27 Add Project skeleton for Peano Numerals.
done 2004-05-27 Adopt Jyymmnnx identifier structure for com.orcmid projects
0.00 2004-05-27-18:24 Create initial diary (orcmid)
The initial diary for those projects that lead to  operational com.orcmid packages.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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created 2004-05-27-18:12 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Date: 22-05-06 12:12 $
$$Revision: 36 $