Orcmid's Lair

What's an Orcmid?


2016-01-05 -10:12 -0800

This is a place-holder for information about the author of pages in Orcmid's Lair and all other nfoCentrale sites.  There's more-playful content to be tied in here, some day real soon now.

is a pseudonym (or "handle" or "nom de bit" or "pseudonimo della Rete") for Dennis E. Hamilton, NuovoDoc System Architect.  Orcmid is the webmaster for all of the nfoCentrale.net sites.

The name was chosen in the late 70's for use in on-line gaming.  It was perpetuated on the early CompuServe CB simulator and from then on had a life of its own.  I had ORCMID vanity plates in New York State, California, and now Washington State.  Orcmid's Lair was the pet name for my  townhouse in Sunnyvale, California, and it has been the identification of home sites on the Web, including this one.

People in Japan have used "orcmid" on Google to find useful information about me and my work.  I was recently reconnected with colleague Ted Smith as the result of a coincidence between orcmid and Alfred North Whitehead.

Recently, an old acquaintance in New York City located me by recognizing orcmid@email.com as an address I have used.  That influenced my keeping that address alive as I consolidated all of my other e-mail addresses.

Orcmid is here to stay.

What About Dennis?
Erudizione: Introducing Dennis Hamilton
Viaggio: Orcmid Sightings
Current Contact Information:
View Dennis Hamilton's profile on LinkedIn

But Why Orcmid?

[That is a much longer story and it will have to wait] 

ORCMID's personalized Washington State plates

Dennis Hamilton Student ID Photo

Construction Shack (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating
Orcmid's Lair construction material.

 created 2001-11-05-22:36 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 22-05-06 12:13 $
$$Revision: 43 $