Writings Catalog |
ID |
On | Status | Created | Summary Title |
W000000 | Writings Catalog | current 2018-07-19 |
2004-04-06 | Writings Diary & Job Jar |
W000001 | Writings Catalog | current 2018-07-19 |
2000-11-26 | Writings Catalog (this page) |
W060401 | Computer Science | placeholder | 2006-04-30 | Programming Languages - In the Beginning |
W060301 | Computer Science | 0.50 2006-03-13 | 2006-03-11 | Appreciating ALGOL 60 |
W050602 | Software Liability | placeholder | 2005-06-16 | Fear and Trembling - Software Liability |
W050601 | Software Licensing | 0.80 2005-12-18 | 2005-06-04 | Microsoft's IP-Infringement Specter |
W050401 | Computers & Privacy | placeholder | 2005-04-15 | Notes from ACM/CFP 2005 |
W050301 | Credit Offers | 0.00 2005-03-29 | 2005-03-29 | Goodbye "You're Pre-Approved" |
W040901 | Seattle | 0.00 2004-09-29 | 2004-09-29 | Hugging the Monorail |
W040400 | Risks and Failures | 0.10 2005-12-31 | 2004-04-06 | Ariane 501: A Costly Risk Myth |
W000800 | Davis, Computability and Unsolvability | updated 2002-03-28 |
2000-09-13 | Précis of Computability and Unsolvability |
w000400 | SE4E | 0.11
placeholder 2018-07-19 |
2000-04-08 | Software Engineering for Everyone? |
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created 2000-11-26-15:24 -0700 (pst) by orcmid |