
Microsoft Scores for Respecting Its Customers

Microsoft Scores for Respecting Its Customers

Computerworld: Microsoft scores highest in customer-respect study.  Linda Rosencrance's 2004-06-25 article describes a study by The Customer Respect Group.  The study examines web sites for how they support successful customer experiences.  Microsoft was found to lead the top 100 from that perspective.

Although I have had unsuccessful experiences with the sites, especially when dealing with a security-related concern, I must confess that the experience is still better than any I have found on other sites.

Today, there is announcement of a major transparency move (for Microsoft), putting its bug reports and feedback on line, so that there is visibility on the incidents that have been reported, the actions being taken, and any resolution.  I would say that will raise the score considerably, at least in the developer community.  You can't imagine (or maybe you can) all of the conversations that go on inside of a business about the importance of not doing that.  It always feels risky, and I suspect that the lawyers are the most nervous about it.  So that is a very good move in terms of willing to deal with any feeling of vulnerability out of respect for the customer and also out of recognition of what value that is to ones own business operations and customer relationships.
Watching and Listening:
Yoga ZoneTotal Body Conditioning for Beginners.  DVD edition, first 20-minute session.  Yesterday I got back on the rowing machine, today is back to yoga.  I maxed my lifetime weight and some serious intervention is called for.  I am starting with light routines and building back up to the level I was at when I stopped this in April.  You can see my gut in the photos from Kaua'i.
MSN Radio Plus. Yoga, Yoga, Yoga (theme station).  Good cool-down music and relaxation while I am feeling a bit jangled this morning.

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created 2002-10-28-07:25 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-11-25 22:45 $
$$Revision: 3 $